Talk to Our Attorneys about a Bus Accident Lawsuit
The individual circumstances of each accident influences the direction and compensation of the lawsuit. The types of vehicles involved and the severity of injuries are critical factors.
Common Injuries in Bus Crashes: A serious bus accident can result in almost any injury imaginable. Some of the most serious injuries our clients have experienced include…
- Head, neck, and brain injuries
- Back and spinal injuries
- Complex fractures, such as broken hips, knees, ankles, or wrists
- Internal injuries and organ damage
- Whiplash and severe soft tissue injuries
- wrongful death (If you’ve experienced a tragedy, a wrongful death lawyer can provide expert guidance).
Because the interior of a bus is more spacious, and passengers aren’t always wearing restraints, a bus accident carries the potential to cause significant harm to everyone on board.
Types of Vehicles Involved in Bus Accident Cases: By definition, a bus is a vehicle that can carry several passengers. In some cases, a vehicle that resembles a van can be referred to as a bus. Vehicles that might be considered buses include: School buses, Charter buses, Public Transport buses, Airport buses, Coach buses, Minibuses, Sleeper buses, and Double-decker buses.
Cases Involving Bus Accidents Are Unique
Buses are commercial vehicles, which means that the bus and the driver must follow more stringent guidelines than the rest of us. There are both federal and state laws that govern commercial vehicle use, and understanding these laws is a key part of handling a personal injury claim from a bus accident.
Buses are also typically owned by companies or local governments, which means that filing an injury claim after a bus accident can be more challenging than filing a claim against the driver of a passenger car. In such situations, consulting with a car accident lawyer can provide valuable guidance.
The companies that own these buses are often more prepared for litigation, so it’s in a victim’s best interest to find an attorney with a great deal of experience and a track record of success in bus accident cases.
The bus accident attorneys at the Accident and Injury Law Office of Terry Bryant, recognized as leading vehicle accident lawyers, have years of experience helping clients in commercial vehicle crash cases. Terry Bryant is a Board Certified personal injury trial lawyer and a former judge in Texas. His handpicked team has a deep understanding of the complexities of bus accident cases.
Legal Options for Bus Accident Victims
When someone suffers injuries in a bus accident, they have the right to file a personal injury claim. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, injured individuals have the opportunity to win compensation for the costs of their injuries. These claims can help recover the costs of…
The costs associated with a crash are referred to as “damages.” Damages can go far beyond the financial costs of an injury. Non-economic damages, such as pain, suffering, or diminished quality of life, can also be sought in a personal injury claim. In some cases, juries also assess punitive damages against the party responsible for a crash; these are not related to specific costs the victim is facing and are intended as a punishment for negligence.
We’re Here to Help
Our legal team offers free, no-obligation consultations, so you have the chance to speak with us directly to get a case evaluation at no expense to you. After the consultation, you are under absolutely no obligation to proceed with a claim if you aren’t comfortable doing so. We encourage you to reach out to us and schedule a free consultation to learn more about your legal options.
Our lawyers ready to put our skill, experience, and resources to work for you. We understand the challenges you’re facing, and we won’t rest until you get the compensation you deserve.
Attorney Terry Bryant
Terry Bryant is Board Certified in personal injury trial law, which means his extensive knowledge of the law has been recognized by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, setting him apart from many other injury attorneys. The 22 years he spent as a Municipal Judge, Spring Valley Village, TX also provides him keen insight into the Texas court system. That experience also helps shape his perspective on personal injury cases and how they might resolve. This unique insight benefits his clients. [ Attorney Bio ]