Legal Blog



If You Are Hurt In A Swimming Pool Accident You Need To Get A Lawyer

They are a major cause of death every year, and most people don’t even realize it, but when someone is involved in an unintentional drowning, a swimming pool accident lawyer may be needed. A pool accident is all too common, and the number of fatalities and injuries that occur because of them is shocking. An accident in a swim[...]

Date: January 1, 2013 / Accident Attorney / Uncategorized
Houston Texas Lawyer

Had A Train Or Metro Rail Accident Call A Lawyer Immediately

A train accident lawyer can be one’s best ally in any incident involving the negligence of Metro light rail, railroad workers or malfunctioning equipment.  Incidents involving locomotives are said to occur approximately every two hours in the U.S., and this means that innocent people are injured and sometimes killed as a resul[...]

Date: December 19, 2012 / Accident Attorney / Uncategorized