3-Car Accident: Who Pays?

October 17, 2024 Vehicle Wrecks

When a two-vehicle collision occurs, identifying the at-fault party is more straightforward than an accident involving more than 2 vehicles. The responsible party pays damages to the victim of the accident. Multi-vehicle collisions are more complex, often leading to the question of who pays damages to the victim.

This blog will answer this question by exploring three-car accidents, who pays and how fault is determined after a multi-vehicle accident. If you or a loved one was involved in this type of accident, contact Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law now to learn what steps you can take to protect yourself financially and legally. Call us now at (713) 973-8888 or toll-free 1 (800) 444-5000 for a free and confidential consultation.

Why Choose Our Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law Team?

Determining fault and financial responsibility after a multiple-vehicle accident can be challenging, especially when you attempt handling your claim alone. The process is easier with the help of our car accident lawyers at Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law. Our attorneys have decades of experience representing multi-vehicle crash victims and have a proven track record of success.

When you hire us, we will examine your case to identify the responsible parties and determine who should pay compensation. We will find the strengths and weaknesses of your case so you can make an informed decision on whether to move forward. Our lawyers know the Texas legal system and have the skills and experience necessary to get the best outcome for your case.

We have helped numerous victims claim fair compensation from the party who caused their accident. If you want a legal team dedicated to helping you get the results you deserve, contact us now.

We know the applicable law and how to build strong cases for our clients, giving them the attention and resources needed to achieve a favorable outcome. 

What Are Chain-Reaction Crashes?

A chain-reaction crash involves multiple vehicles and consists of a series of collisions that occur in a sequence. Chain-reaction accidents begin when one car hits another, which causes the struck vehicle to hit a third car. It’s possible for more than three cars to be involved if the crash occurs in heavy traffic.

Chain-reaction accidents cause drivers to react suddenly, and the shock can lead to multiple rear-end collisions. This is why determining liability in a multi-car accident is challenging. However, police investigators, accident reconstructionists, and experienced lawyers have the skill to identify who’s liable in three-vehicle accidents.

Common Causes of Multi-Car Accidents in Texas

Multi-vehicle accidents in Texas occur due to several factors, which include but are not limited to driver behavior, road conditions, and environmental conditions. The following are some common causes of multi-car collisions:

  • Distracted Driving: Distractions on the road limit a driver’s reaction time as their attention is diverted. Distraction often occurs when drivers take their eyes off the road to read a text or make a call. Distracted driving is dangerous, especially in heavy traffic, where chain reaction accidents are known to happen.
  • Speeding: Drivers going too fast for road conditions can cause three-vehicle accidents, as they have less time to react to sudden stops or changes in traffic. Even if you maintain the legal speed limit, going too fast in poor weather can lead to a multi-vehicle crash.
  • Tailgating: Following too closely is a leading cause of multiple-vehicle accidents. Drivers should follow at a safe distance to increase their ability to stop and avoid a collision.
  • Poor Weather Conditions: Adverse weather, such as snow, fog, ice, or rain, reduces visibility and makes the road slippery. As a result, accidents are more likely in such weather if drivers fail to adjust.
  • Driving Under the Influence: Being impaired limits a driver’s cognitive ability and reflexes. Consequently, impaired drivers have slow reaction time and poor judgment, increasing the risk of 3-vehicle accidents.

Multiple vehicle accidents can also be caused by mechanical failure, traffic congestion, aggressive driving, road rage, sudden lane changes, and driver fatigue.

Knowing what caused the accident can help determine multi-car accident liability in seeking compensation against the appropriate party.

What Are the Dangers Involved in Multi-Vehicle Collisions?

Multi-vehicle collisions are dangerous and pose a lot of risk to road users. The following are some of the dangers associated with this type of car accident:

Increased Risk of Severe Injuries

In multi-vehicle collisions, those involved might experience several impacts from different directions, increasing the likelihood of severe injuries. If it is a high-impact collision, with vehicles getting pushed into each other, the possibility of severe injuries increases.

Difficulty in Emergency Response

The chaotic nature of three-car accidents can make it hard for first responders to reach injured individuals quickly. This delays medical care, and if there are critically injured persons, their condition might worsen before emergency medical services reach them.

Greater Potential for Fatalities

The higher the number of vehicles involved in a chain collision, the greater the chances of fatalities. This is more so if the accident involved high speeds, large vehicles like trucks, or vehicles carrying hazardous material. Also, fuel leaks or a ruptured gas tank can cause fire, spreading quickly and resulting in fatal injuries.

Secondary Collisions

Oncoming vehicles approaching a multi-car accident scene might be unable to stop quickly, leading to secondary collisions. Debris from the initial collision can also become hazardous for other cars not directly involved in the initial crash.

How Is Multi-Car Liability Determined?

Texas follows a fault-based auto insurance system, so it is imperative to determine liability after any car accident. How is liability determined in a multi-car accident? Fault is determined in the following ways:

Investigation of the Accident

Police officers who served as first responders will document the accident, take statements from drivers and witnesses, and possibly issue citations if traffic laws were violated. Hence, the police report is a crucial piece of evidence in determining fault. Eyewitness testimonies and photographic and video evidence also help to determine liability.

Sequence-of-Collision Analysis

The order of impact also helps to establish liability. Suppose Driver A was looking at his phone and texting while Driver B drove through the red light. A, who had the right of way, did not see B and struck B, causing them to hit C, which was parked. The collision sequence will help determine who was primarily liable for the accident and who else can share liability based on their actions.

Texas Comparative Negligence Law

The modified comparative negligence rule or proportionate responsibility is used to assign fault after a multi-car accident in Texas. Each driver will be assigned a percentage of the fault, and as long as they do not share more than 50% of the fault, they can receive compensation. If any driver’s fault is 51% or above, they are barred from recovering damages.

Our lawyers will thoroughly investigate and carefully analyze all contributing factors to determine liability after a multi-car accident.

3-Car Accident: Who Pays?

In Texas, the accident’s circumstances and the drivers’ fault percentage determine who will pay compensation. Ultimately, the driver or drivers with the highest fault percentage will compensate those with lesser liability or no liability. Since there could be multiple liable parties, you can file various personal injury claims with their insurance companies or a lawsuit.

However, you must establish each party’s liability separately. Additionally, the defendants in a multiple-vehicle accident might not be limited to the drivers. For example, if the collision started with a truck driver, their company might be added as a defendant under the doctrine of vicarious liability.

Similarly, the manufacturer will be partly liable if a defective part causes the primary driver to lose control and cause a 3-vehicle collision. Knowing all the possible liable parties will help ensure you are adequately compensated.

Can Multi-Car Accidents Be Prevented?

As long as all drivers prioritize safety and follow traffic rules the likelihood of accidents decreases dramatically. Below are some ways multi-car collisions can be avoided:

  • Maintain a safe following distance by following the three-second rule and increasing distance in poor weather conditions.
  • Stay focused on the road and avoid all forms of distractions. Put away your phone and perform only hands-free functions.
  • Drive at a safe speed limit, paying attention to road conditions and traffic patterns.
  • Avoid aggressive driving, and use your turn signals to indicate lane changes.
  • Drive cautiously in high-risk areas like intersections and construction zones.
  • When driving in poor weather, use headlights and reduce your speed so you don’t lose control of your vehicle.

Finally, always anticipate the actions of other drivers and drive defensively. If you don’t know how, take a defensive driving course, and remember, it is better to be safe than to be involved in an accident.

Were You in a 3-Car Accident? We Can Help!

If you or a loved one was involved in a multi-car accident, our team at Terry Bryant Accident & Injury Law is here for you. From multi-car accident liability to determining who pays, we will be with you every step of the way and help you recover economic and non-economic damages. We work on a contingency fee basis, so legal fees should not deter you. Call us now at (713) 973-8888 or toll-free 1 (800) 444-5000 for a free and confidential consultation.

Attorney Terry Bryant

Attorney Terry BryantTerry Bryant is Board Certified in personal injury trial law, which means his extensive knowledge of the law has been recognized by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, setting him apart from many other injury attorneys. The 22 years he spent as a Municipal Judge, Spring Valley Village, TX also provides him keen insight into the Texas court system. That experience also helps shape his perspective on personal injury cases and how they might resolve. This unique insight benefits his clients. [ Attorney Bio ]

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